Sunday, March 22, 2009



Interpersonal communication is an interesting subject to learn. What I know about this subject are it communication between 2 person and not more than 20 persons in group. Dyadic primacy is relationship that can be two or three in group. All in this group can talk to each other about anything without one person not understands the conversation. The example situation of dyadic coalitions is when a group of meeting person wants to make a decision and have 2 groups that will say agree and disagree to achieve a particular goal. Form of interpersonal communication have 2 but for me I mostly like face to face communication this is because we can see the body language on that person. When we talked to someone or in a group we must talked effectively and inappropriately. We must talked 1st to open channels of communication when we in silent situation, this method will give us more benefit.

How would you describe the optimum level for relationship ambiguity? For example, would you want to be certain about everything? Be kept in the dark about certain things?

This is my 1st situation on relationship ambiguity. My father has passed away went I was 2 years old then went I’m 7 years old. My mothers decide to marry again. I’m too scared when I’m thinking about my mother decision because is it he will accept me as like he child although I’m just only step daughter. When my mother have just married, I always ask myself especially about my step father is it he will accept me and can give attention to me as like he child or just make he responsibility only and the surely relationship with my step father it’s not like he own child but I always thinking actually what my step father want from me? Is it I’m he own child or just do the responsibility after he married with my mother only and now I’m already have two step sister and 1 step younger boy.

This is my 2nd situation on relationship ambiguity. This situation happen to me went I meet with one guy. Me and this guy very close, any problem we would tell each other. Other people see us most like a couple but we didn’t know what the status relationship we are. We got a bit some love when this guy caring about me. We disgorge by heart from heart so they just make our relationship like a normal but at the same time we not more just a friend but mostly like a couple.

I try to not involve in this relationship ambiguity because relationship ambiguity make me thing more negative than positive thing to that relationship.

I try not to keep in the dark for this thing but I scare to tell the true thing. For my opinion, our relationship cannot hush just like that but better the truly must be know because it’s more about the heart.



In chapter 8 I learn about nonverbal messages that what we see to other people without say anything. With my experience that happen in my family between me, my mummy and my stepfather. My stepfather has conflict with my mother and as a younger daughter I protect my mother from my stepfather. The next day I know my mother sad about that but she still act like nothing happen. Form this I know after I learn intercommunication this situation under facial management(neutralize). Even have a problem we still act like normal person.


When I in secondary school I like to friends with many people that have different attitudes. For me bad attitudes mean bad in academic, good attitudes mean well in academic. However I have friend that same class with me during I form 4 and 5. In academic he not good but in music he very well. For me what can make he survive with music if without knowledge. After 1 years I not meet his, on malam gala seri gading 2 he and his band perform that nite. Now I know music also can make money.


In chapter 4 I learn about someone give a perception without noticed the true attitude. I one of the person that always judge people before know they attitudes. But I my real life I have experience that I know I woman that same village with me. This woman is always listening to her mother and always goes to church. So I think when someone always goes to church that mean good person. However when she 19 years old she change into negative attitudes, she run away from home with one guy. I very surprise with her that run away from home. After a few month she go back to home and decided to married with that man because she already pregnant.


In chapter 3 I learned about self in Interpersonal Communication and I learned topics dimensions of the self and self disclosure. In this topic the most related with my experience is on topic dimensions of the self that develops at least four sources.


Be a student is the most fun in our life because we doesn’t to think many thing in our life just focus to our study. However studies in university will change our attitudes. Like me to make friends always with us we must know how to act in front them. From that I will ask them how they feel with me is they comfortable when I around them or not. From that I will know what images that they give to me.


A social comparison is the best way for me to compare my selves with my friends especially in examinations. This is because I will feel challenge when my friends get a good result in the examinations. From that I will study hard to get a good result in examination.


Cultural teachings make me as a teenager know how to think which want is good for me or not. Not only that it also teach me how to manage my selves when I meet everyone around me. For example, I will act like a little kids when I with my young sisters because want them feel comfortable with me.


As my selves I always evaluations my selves when I do something. For example, I just go back to my village during the Gawai and Christmas seasons only. On that behaviors’ I think that my grandmother and grandfather know my reason why I only go back to village during that season only.